Irene Opper

Results Coach  

Individual and Group Coaching  


"This is not where I thought I'd be at this stage in my life"

Do you:

wish you could reach the other side of: empty nesting, transition to retirement, loss of a partner? 

wish you knew what you want in life or how to choose between paths?

wish you had a partner, family or friends who loved and appreciated you?

wish you could improve, end or find a relationship?

wish you could let go of your pain and find a brighter future?

wish you could stop procrastinating in your home, work or social life?

The Solution?

Unleash your Potential!

🌿 Life Re-Set 🌿

An 8 session personal coaching journey

You will: 

 Get crystal clear on your goals and envisage your ideal life with vivid clarity detail

  Release trapped emotions, past events, unhelpful beliefs and conflicted values

  Master the art of powerful communication and conflict resolution to forge deeper connections

 Feel energised and take decisive actions to make your new life a reality

 Benefit from having me as your personal champion giving you unwavering support and accountability throughout your transformative journey

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result" Albert Einstein

Start your journey by emailing for a free, no-obligation Clarity Call. This isn't just a conversation; it's a transformative experience designed to illuminate the path to your most fulfilling life.

Coaching is available Australia-wide, conveniently conducted by phone.

What Clients say:

I came into the 8 session Life Re-Set Program with Irene with a definite plan but no real idea how to keep myself moving forward with it, and I left with great clarity and plenty of really clever organisational tools to help me keep myself on track to achieving my goals and dreams. I can recommend Irene, her coaching methodology and program to anyone that really wants to shift the blocks and get moving on any area of life you feel stuck on.

Andrea Warren, Life Coach and Energy Healer

"I'm a 61 year old teacher who wanted a pathway towards retirement. I had some ideas but was feeling unclear about my vision for the future and how to get there. Irene saw through my obstacles, helped me see what really mattered to me and cleared away all the peripheral distractions so I could make decisions. I now have a clear plan in place with choices for alternate paths should circumstances change. Anyone who feels stuck, confused or needs clarity, and wants to change that, would benefit from her coaching."

Kevin Kosky, Teacher